Choose Your Career

Alone. Quickly.

The fruit of 15 years experience.
Created to avoid influencing you.
5 days of reflection exercises.
Meaning, personal development.

(Re) Discover yourself & evaluate your personnal tastes. Take stock of your desires. Identify your Dream Job precisely!

(Re) Discover yourself & evaluate your personnal tastes. Take stock of your desires. Identify your Dream Job precisely!

I Find My Career

Click to browse a preview.

Interviewed by France's top newspapers

le monde Newspaper

le figaro Newspaper

Ouest France Newspaper

direct matin Newspaper
(Clic logos)

Efficiency results of career methods in France:

  • 43% of students do not have a career plan at the time they choose a path

  • 47% executive's childrens declare their parents choose for them

  • 54% Did not persue their dream career path when it was not recommended

  • 37% of university drop outs after 2 years.

  • Source : Crédoc, Aider les jeunes a mieux identifier leurs gouts et motivations personnelles: Un levier pour améliorer l’orientation, Cnesco, 2018

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I know your dilemma all too well.

How to make the right choice so early?
Which method should I choose to find my path or my calling? Who gives the best advice and who can be trusted? How can I make sure I don't waste my time and money?

Don't let them guide your choices.

Based on the same principles as astrology, they try to tell you who you are, as if you were incapable of realizing it yourself: "you are unique," "you are meant to be a salesperson," "you have an artistic flair," etc. Influence is everywhere: websites, books, speakers, teachers. Injunctions are ubiquitous: "You must find your dream job," "You must follow your passion," "Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life"...

I created the solution.

Free your mind, focus on identifying what matters to you, what you desire, understand why, and make the choice to achieve it.
I have created a reflection program based on exercises and open-ended questions with a short introduction and tools to help you question yourself, so that nothing and no one decides for you.
I invite you to discover in detail my career choice program below.
Path To Your Dream Job

Do not waste your time !

Thinking and researching in all directions without a strategy.

To find your Dream Job, I have created a program for you of thoughtful exercises and targeted research, in 10 key steps. Designed to avoid influencing you. This point is fundamental.

Focus on what helps you move forward to make a choice and let go of the rest.

A career program designed down to the last detail!

All conditions
are met.

Essential parameters
Conceived for you, I wanted to preserve all the essential aspects that make the effectiveness and relevance of a personalized career coaching.


Smart and fulfilling choice
Created so that each specificity can express itself as in a personalized coaching, the very good feedback makes me think that I succeeded.


Deepen your self-knowledge
The exercises will allow you to get to know yourself better, to (re)discover yourself and to refocus on yourself. A necessary step to make a choice that corresponds to your real desires.


Your resources and personality
Your thinking is based on your resources and your personality, as in a real coaching. The result can only resemble you, belong to you, and reflect what you like and what you want.


Autonomy and absence of influence
These two parameters were at the heart of my concerns in the creation of the exercises and the questioning. It is for me an essential prerequisite for any orientation.


10 framed steps
Open, focused and relevant questioning will allow you to move forward each day in your thinking. The objective of each exercise is clear and you will know when to move on to the next step.


A few more clarifications on important points.
Click on each item to learn more

Through exercises that encourage you to think about what really interests you, find out what you really like and help you to put things in perspective to define what you want to do in your job.

Just because you love something doesn't mean you want to make it your profession. I like candy but that's not why I want to make candy all day long. I like driving but that's not why I want to be a taxi driver. I like sneakers but that's not why I would like to be a sneaker salesman nor designer. Be helped to figure it all out and sort it out.

Precise as "Key Account Market Manager for a major Vineyard in the Napa Valley" and not a simple path or channel, the only results given by the orientation tests. You will find YOUR profession thanks to your reflection, the only sensible way to choose a career. No test or assessment will ever be able to tell you: "you want to become a Press Relations Manager".
In 10 key steps, think in a structured, logical and simple way, without being influenced and without letting anyone else think for you.

Your life. Play it smart.

Get back on track

Having a precise
and chosen goal changes everything :

Work less and effectively.

Get your motivation back.

Have more fun working !

Get better grades.

Enjoy more free time.

Comparison of guidance methods

Tests & Counselling

My Program


≈ 400 $
9,99 $
≈ 400 / 600 $
Based on your resources
Reflection and autonomy
Personal growth
Personality expresses itself
Discovery of true desires
Thoughtful personal choice
Client's result: a precise job
Is totally personalized
Needs involvement
Based on tests
Processed by computer
Influenced thinking
Based on grades
Computer result : paths ideas

If you would like to better understand this comparison table of the different guidance methods offered on the market, I invite you to read these few lines and to go even further in detail, I published a book on the issue "Career Guidance Or The Art Of Not Failing" available on by clicking on the image below.

Philippe Vivier Portrait

About Me

Growing up, I always had a passion for psychology and psychoanalysis. That's why I had chosen to follow that training. I realized after 3 years that I loved especially psychology, for the tools to understand people deeply and behavioral studies, but that receiving patients all day long expressing their troubles was too emotionnal for me to deal with. That is when I crossed path with an ergonomic's teacher in an hallway of the university that convinced me into choosing his training and choosing a career path in ergonomics.

It was specifically a training in occupationnal psychology with a major in ergonomics. This was a truly dark time for me. Occupationnal psychology was fascinating but my interest for ergonomics was really lacking. Hopefully I choose to specialize in human machine interactions (HIM) and that saved me from depression. My motivation went down and problems started to arise with one of my teachers on my thesis subject. I explained myself and told a couple of teachers that I was thinking about moving to a human ressources training as it was more in line with my aspirations and expectations. The fact that I did not want to persue in ergonomics was not well received at all. I struggled on through complicated and difficult relations but finally came through and finished my thesis.

At that time, I choose to take a step back for a couple of months to take stock of my true desires and I finally realized I wanted to help people a different way and followed with a profesionnal coaching training wich empowering methods spoke to me truly and felt just right.

After this last training I started working for almost 2 years for friend's company, at Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle University and Paris Orsay University, with graduates on their career goals and to prepare them for their first job interview, that is when it all clicked for me. I learned a couple of valuable lessons who kind of drived me to what I do today. First, you work better when you have a precise goal, that it's important to think thouroughly about your career beforehand, that it is mandatory to have fun working to help you on the path of a fulfilling and happy life and finally, that it is crucial not to let anyone influence you on this critical life choice. It was also clear for me, that career education and thinking during school was lacking and that most students could benefit from some real brainstorming to avoid bad choices, work depression and re-orientation years later.

After that, I worked with a team of trainers as part of a program of courses for students and PhD students, intended in part to help them identify their skills in order to define a concrete professional project, at the University of Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle and the University of Paris Orsay.

Since 2004, I am a career coach and I've helped thousands of students identify their dream job goals and choose a career smartly and quickly.

A relevant and effective alternative

65% of students make a career choice the wrong way.
Find out the reasons for the 1/3 failure rate.

The important figure: 37% failure rate in undergraduate studies.
And in the third year? Statistics are not known...
And what about reorientation a few years later?

About 35% of students seek or listen to advice from teachers, or from people who do not know them deeply. This advice is based almost exclusively on their results and does not take into account what the student wants to do.
30% still turn to orientation tests or orientation assessments.
The tests and assessments are based on work personality tests (RIASEC / MBTI) diverted from their original purpose, and propose to reveal "the job you are made for". They are based on certain aspects of your personality, your academic results, and some information about your expectations, without validating or questioning them.
So on the one hand, without going into detail here as it would be too long, these are not really orientation tests because they do not exist, and on the other hand, what they propose does not provide a solution.
Let's focus on the wording: "the job you are made for".

It is important, by wording it this way, they turn the problem around. Be careful with the meaning, because on the surface, you have the impression that it corresponds to what you are looking for or what you need, but what you really need is formulated very differently! The trick lies in the wording. Why do they not propose "finding the job you really want to do"? A wording that corresponds much more to what you are deeply searching for. It's simple, they cannot help you. No test will ever be able to tell you: "you want to become a Public Relations Manager". However, orienting oneself is no longer just about integrating into the company but especially for the new generations, it's about choosing what you want to do as a job.

A computer, an artificial intelligence or any algorithm can say what a set of data corresponds to, but it can never say what the individual wants and why. Your test responses allow the computer to indicate results in the form of what it may correspond to and thus: "what you are made for", "the job that suits you". In short, you get it, absolutely not what you are looking for. The other problem lies at the level of the result, they only propose ideas of paths or fields and not a "job" as originally announced.

Other methods exist and offer a much more relevant alternative.

Personalized orientation coaching is a pertinent solution. It adapts to your reflection. When well conducted, by a real professional coach who does not use pre-established questionnaires or tests (and there are fewer and fewer of them), they will undoubtedly allow you to find your job, but cost on average 400 euros, sometimes 800.
A good alternative accessible to everyone had to be found!
This program "Choose your career in 5 days", in the form of a manual, offers you a real sensible and economical alternative to career or orientation coaching. Think for yourself, while being guided. Today it puts within everyone's reach a structured, simple, fast reflection method, making you autonomous and responsible. The result of 15 years of experience.
No list of multiple-choice questions to which you don't really know how to answer and which confine the reflection, no tests, action verbs to circle, qualities or gifts to identify and other tedious and meaningless exercises. This program will allow you to ensure that you choose your job with full knowledge and know where and how to find the right information about training to build your professional project from start to finish. And in this second edition, thanks to the bonuses, you will have all the elements ready and can format your CV, your cover letter and even start preparing for your interviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Of course you will need to work on it as specified in the guidebook, but yeah if you're in a hurry, you will definitly identify it in 5 days. You can also choose to take your time and do it in several weeks, it's up to you.

Yes, teachers regularly recommend career paths to their students. more than 1 third of the sudents heard of their final career for the first time by their teacher (37 %, source credoc 2018 - Ministère de l'éducation)

Clearly, leaving his career choice to a teacher (or anyone else for that matter) is a BIG MISTAKE and i'm gonna elaborate on that. The teacherwill give his recomendation based on which school subjects you excels and absolutly not on what you love in life, what you want and what's matters to you, for a simple reason : the teatcher don't really know you.

And to go further, It is not because you are a good cook that you want to become a chef. It is not because you like to drive cars that you want to becoma a taxi driver. It is not because you have a gift for languages that you want to become a translator and it's not because you're good at math that you want to become an engineer. We can also add that someone is recommending you a career but do you even know what you will exactly do all day? Of course not...

This guidebook will help you to take some distance with all thos recommendantions and advices and think by yourself so you can make your own choices, choose your own path and ultimatly choose your life.

Yes, the guidebook is created with the purpose of helping you extract from yourself what you really want in life, therefore because there is no influence and you are the master of your reflection, you come to conclusions that naturally make sense for you but above all that give meaning to your future and your daily work to achieve this new goal.

Wide question and basic problem! To set as the first base of its reflection the slightest belief about the outlets is potentially an error except in two cases and I will explain myself.

Already, I refer you to the section of the manual dealing with how to know exactly what are the "current" opportunities on a given job. I say "current" because what is true today will not be necessary in 5 years. Forget the Newspaperistic forecasts that are rarely accurate.

The only statistical certainty in employment that will be true in 5 years is that there will be work in medicine (nurses, doctors and specialists) as well as in all trades accessible to computer engineers, because these can change specialty very quickly to adapt to a changing market and trends.

For all other careers, keep a single idea in mind, if you are passionate, you will be among the best, if you are among the best you will find a job more easily than others. In short, we always come back to the same thing, we must do a job that fascinates us. It is the only way to flourish and have the best guarantee of being desirable in the job market.

And that is exactly what this guidebook is made for, identifying your "dream job"!

This guidebook is a step-by-step guide made to help you identify what you like. This is a series of reflection exercises that following a logical sequence leads you to define the job you want to do. This will allow you to know exactly all the elements you took into account and every thoughts that led you to make that choice. It will also allow you to be able to explain clearly why it is your dream job to anyone.

Very few students have difficulties, try to make a little extra effort and if you push a little more, you can do it. That said, you can of course get help. On the other hand, be careful that the person who helps you does not advise you, it is very important. that person should merely give you a little help or help you only to better understand a specific aspect of an exercise. You shouldn't fall into the easy way by asking one of your relatives to do it with you, because in the end it will not help you, and it could even lead to that relative doing everything for you, which would be counterproductive.

First of all, the end result, a precise job title, your "dream job", and not just some sectors or vague ideas. Then, it's not a computer that will spin the information you gave it, you're the actor and it's you who are at the heart of the analysis, even if sometimes it is also about making you, specify what you like. Finally, as it is your reflection, this job will be a chosen profession and not the choice of a computer. You will be sure it's your Dream Job and you will know why.

In fact, it is close to a career guidance coaching because this guidebook is designed to make the student think by himself and without influencing him / her, to make sure that he / she moves forward at his / her own pace and with a very precise objective to reach, which gives meaning to each step. Of course the student is not in a dynamic position putting him in a relationship with a coach who asks him very specific questions towards his very unique situation and thoughts to think and find his solutions and desires, so it is mainly at the level of the framework and dynamics of an external exchange and questioning that it differs. As a result, the student will go through a series of predefined standard steps. A coaching is individualised, the steps in the guidebook are not, obviously.

Then you certainly need personalized guidance.

I am not going to indicate precisely the type of exercise present in the guidebook for a matter of plagiarism but they are of "open" type. That is to say they leave you the possibility to answer in a personal way without influence by finding your own answers and not simply to choose from typical answers.
I will explain myself: It is not about giving you stupid exercices like "surround the words" that best describe what you want in your future dream job, like: the salary, the autonomy, the security of the job, the fact to work alone, a social status, contacts, possibilities of evolution, etc...

1) this doesn't help you identifying anything specific. (everyone wants that and it doesn't provide anything really usable to identify a type of job or even an activity.)
2) this biases your thinking, that is to say that it limits and directs your thinking and imagination in a sidetrack. you are proposed 10 choices, will you be tempted to find more personnal ones, that are relevant to you? Of course not.

And then, a salary, yes, but which one and why? Job security? What does this mean for you? Does the exercise in question make you think about it? Of course not, and that's the problem. I think I have explained with relevance why you will not find in this guidebook these kinds of exercises.

This guidebook will help you take stock of your desires, which will allow you to make a choice and may even choose a path you did not think of. If you hesitate between two very different options, it's a safe bet that your thinking is not totally based on what you really want / like. This manual will help you to see clearly. And if it's not the case, with my satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose!

For anything that is not mentionned already in the FAQ

You can use the address below to contact me